
From Michael Haehnel:

From the very beginning of the workshop, I was struck that Gabrielle’s presentation was going to surpass expectations. She began with a solemn reminder that this was to be a safe space for all, and it was apparent that her definition of “all” included those who might choose to detract or find fault. I heard in her words the true victory of the oppressed over their oppressors: answering hurt and exclusion with kindness and inclusion.

Gabrielle did not disappoint. With humor, pizzazz and generous warmth, she invited us into the transgender experience, speaking to our hearts as well as our heads. She did not shy away from discussion of pain and unfairness, but at the same time, she consistently returned to her conviction of optimism for the future. She dared to be vulnerable. She showed true concern for all of us in the room. She helped us feel, and when things got a little heavy, she helped us laugh.

We were privileged to spend an hour and a half with Gabrielle. The time flew. I would not want to schedule her for any less than two hours, and that would probably still end too quickly. Time very, very well spent. Thank you, Gabrielle Hermosa.

Meharry Medical College, March, 2016

“Interactive, informative”


“[Gabrielle] was great!’

“Transparency across the board.”

“[Gabrielle] has a very welcoming personality.”

“Wealth of information. Great speaker.”


“[Gabrielle has] the ability to make people feel comfortable in a learning environment regardless of their differences, beliefs, culture, without being judgmental.”

“Very interactive. If I wanted or not wanted to talk, it was still a safe zone.”

“[Gabrielle] is excellent! This presentation is full of valuable information. Highly recommend this training to all healthcare professionals.”

“[Gabrielle was] warm and friendly.”

“Gabrielle presented the information well, there was a very inclusive atmosphere, her openness about her own experiences.”

“Excellent presentation. Want to see more.”

“Gabrielle brought a personal and engaging aspect. I was inspired.”

Irondequoit Public Library, February, 2016

“Very engaging activities and personal stories.”

“Open discussion, personal stories, excellent facilitation.”

“It was great!”

“Glad we scheduled this training”

ABVI Goodwill Youth Program, February, 2016

“This is the most attentive our group of teens have ever been for a presentation. Well done!”

“It was amazing!”

“It was a very good presentation. I had a great time.”

“Real World Geneseo” at the Hilton Garden Inn, January, 2016

“Gabrielle was very well spoken and made the information really easy to understand.”

“Outstanding stories! Thank you for being you!”

“Very knowledgeable.”

“Accessible and friendly.”

“A lot to unpack, but important.”

“She allowed me to feel safe and ask the questions I did.”

“Strong personal stories, ability to connect with the audience.”

“Thank you so much for sharing.”

“Engaging and casual”

“Thank you for giving my friends and I a clear perspective of the lgbt community.”

“Holy smoke! You were great”

“The stories were very engaging.”

“Very knowledgeable and frank.”

“Wish it could go longer.”

“Kept us engaged in the topic.”

Greece Arcadia High School, January, 2016

“Gabrielle has a strong personal connection to the cause and the talk.”

“You’re amazing!”

“[Gabrielle] made the environment comfortable.”

“I love you!”

“Gabrielle was open in sharing her story, made me feel comfortable. I loved everything about it.”

“Openness, honesty, elaborate responses to questions.”

“Thank you so much for opening up to us and informing me about the components of gender and sexual identity!”

“[Gabrielle] was able to create a safe space to share experiences.”

“Very easy to understand.”

“Love ya! :)”

“It was easy and comfortable to ask questions to her.”

“[Gabrielle] was amazing and made everything more comfortable.”

“[Gabrielle’s] personal story was really touching and thought provoking.”

“She was engaged and very friendly. I wish there was more time.”

“Loved it – everyone should learn about this!”

“Thanks for being so brave, congrats on being who you are. :)”

Brighton High School (staff), December, 2015

“Authentic. I thought it was great.”

“Very open and willing to discuss personal experiences. Very informative, helpful info.”

“Great personality. I wish there was more time! Thank you!”

“The personal stories you shared were very moving. They definitely help listeners overcome any ‘uncomfortableness’ they had before.”

“Honest, professional, articulate. I wish we had more time. :)”

“Honest, intelligent, good humor, matter-of-fact.”

“Keep up this work. All schools, all students need to hear it.”

“Love the personal stories.”

“Great job”

“Interesting to hear Gabrielle’s experiences. Great job!”

“Open, honest, comfortable, authentic.”

Eastman School of Music, December, 2015

“It was very comfortable as well as very entertaining, and I felt comfortable asking any questions.”

“I am really glad that I attended! It was wonderful!”

“Great humor!”

“Thank you so much for everything. It was amazing!”

Fairport United Methodist Church, November, 2015

“[Gabrielle] created a warm, welcome, comfortable atmosphere.”

“Open, honest, humorous.”

“A great evening of conversation and sharing.”

“I wish there was more time!”

“Things moved right along.”

Monroe Community College, November, 2015

“Gabrielle’s personal story was very moving.”

“[Gabrielle was] knowledgeable, friendly, patient. I truly enjoyed myself.”

“[Gabrielle was] very good at keeping attention of the group with anecdotes and humor.”

“Awesome question answering, very patient and kind.”


“Really good (strong).”

Penfield Public Library, November, 2015

“[Gabrielle was] friendly and honest.”

“[Gabrielle] shared personal experiences that made the talk so real and believable.”

“Entertaining and informative.”

“Gabrielle is an outstanding presenter.”

“Thank you for your honesty.”

“[Gabrielle was] knowledgeable, made us feel comfortable, well organized, clear and personalized.”

“[Gabrielle] did an excellent job of explaining terminology.”

“[Gabrielle] was very open and accepting of many points of view.”

SUNY Oneonta, October, 2015

“This was hands down the best presentation of the entire conference.”

“Gabrielle is amazingly honest and inspiring. I’ve never met someone so amazing.”

“[I appreciated] Gabrielle’s professionalism and organization. Also her openness and willingness to discuss her dark moments. The presentation was very strong and wonderful.”

“Great balance between comedy and seriousness. Honestly this presentation was absolutely amazing and truly inspirational.”

“[Gabrielle] is emotional and *real*. I found it very moving.”

“[I loved Gabrielle’s] use of humor, her charisma, her eloquence, her understanding.”

“You were amazing and you have influenced me to learn to love myself more.”

“Gabrielle is perfect. Her presentation was heartfelt.”

“[Gabrielle is] very comfortable, confident and open with herself and her experiences.”

“[Gabrielle is a] personable presenter with a passionate delivery.”

“[Great] PowerPoint and sense of humor.”

“[Gabrielle] knows how to engage the audience. [She’s] funny. [She] provided great information and a unique insight. Everything was perfect!”

“[I loved Gabrielle’s] stage presence, humor, eye makeup!”

“You are a *wonderful* public speaker. Gr8 crowd interaction, activities, engagement.”

“[Gabrielle has] relatability, composed but honest, open, responsible, active.”

“She was truly knowledgable and compassionate.”

Nazareth College, September, 2015

“[Gabrielle was a] very good public speaker and very knowledgeable.”

“Gabrielle was knowledgeable and open. It was great.”

“[Gabrielle was] funny, fun, created a comfortable space.”

“[Gabrielle was a] good speaker / easy to follow.”

“Gabrielle made it very personal, which made it easy to be open with each other.”

“[Gabrielle made good] eye contact, open for questions.”

“She was very down to earth and made a comfortable sharing environment.”

“[Gabrielle has] integrity and sincerity.”

“There was an emotional connection, great explanations were broken down.”

“Gabrielle was wonderful at creating a safe place where anyone could ask any question.”

“She was funny and kept us informed.”

“Her story was so powerful.”

“I love the sense of humor!”

“Gabrielle is an excellent orator and very open.”

“[Gabrielle is] excellent getting across emotions and being open to any questions.”

“[Gabrielle is] well spoken, very informative & connected.”

Monroe Community College, August, 2015

“It was great! I loved the energy she put into it!”

“I loved it! Please keep doing this for others!”

“It was fantastic!”

“You do a truly amazing presentation every time!”

“I loved when Gabrielle shared her personal story. It was very well done!”

“I felt motivated to make change.”

SUNY Brockport, August, 2015

“Loved the humor. Thank you for your honesty and I give you my full support!”

“Gabrielle was very brave when she spoke about her life story.”

“Very cool presentation. :)”

“Great job!”

“Come back again! :)”

“Very nice job! I wish there was more time!”

“[Gabrielle was] able to make people feel comfortable.”

“Perfect! Love Gabrielle!”

“Thank you so much!”

“This needs to be presented in every high school!”

“Extremely comfortable and humor was on point.”

“[Gabrielle was] a great speaker, emotionally involved and passionate.”

Rochester Institute of Technology, August, 2015

“When I first entered the room I thought ‘Oh no, here’s the same old conversation again.’ I could not have been more wrong. She gave a different account that struck a chord with me. I’ve been enlightened by what was said here today and the positive message that came from Gabrielle’s story. What I really took away and really appreciated was the idea that the labels of the ‘alphabet soup’ could one day be condensed to H (human). This was profound to me and is something I will share in the future. It’s important to spread the messages of hope and inspiration and Gabrielle does this in just the right way. Her confidence along with her open mindset and personality made this a fun and informative talk that I would suggest to friends and family.”

“[Gabrielle has] the gift of gab! Great talker!”

“It was a very good discussion. I wish there was more time.”

“She let her emotions show and it makes everyone see how much she cares.”

“[Gabrielle’s] very personal realness helps get points across. I wish there was more time. Thank you!”

“Gabrielle is a very dynamic and confident speaker.”

“Intriguing, engaging, informative.”

“The truth and openness was phenomenal. I wish there was more time.”

“[Gabrielle had] the ability to relate to the audience.”

“Gabrielle was open and honest.”

“The presentation was very good.”

“[Gabrielle was a] very welcoming presenter who created an environment that welcomed and fostered understanding.”

“Gabrielle shared her personal story and the emotions she displayed truly helped me to connect to the issues she has faced in her life.”

“The openness and relatability was wonderful.”

“You go, girl! You should go abroad and teach in other places. (Come to Puerto Rico!)”

“The way you talked and your story – it applies to life in general. This means a lot, I really do appreciate it.”

“[Gabrielle] connected with the audience and was passionate. Not only the passion about for story but the passion to spread love, care and good will. I thank you so much for inspiring me. What strikes me is the fact that you live out the good will you present.”

“I almost cried hearing your story. I thought [the presentation] was amazing and your story was so powerful, and I wish that everyone looked at the world like you do.”

“Keep being yourself. :) I appreciate your story. Thank you for sharing.”

“[Gabrielle showed] very real emotions, broke the barrier. As someone who almost committed suicide, I really appreciate you speaking out about it.”

“[Gabrielle was] funny and understanding.”

“Even though I’m not LGBT, I felt comfortable during the presentation and talking about the information.”

“[Gabrielle has] passion, professionalism and knowledge. Thank you for coming to speak with us today and I am in love with your shirt!”

“The story of your life was very inspiring. Thank you for sharing!”

It was touching and emotional.”

“[Gabrielle was a] charismatic presenter. Very moving.”

“I loved the presentation. Thank you so much. It was changed my perspective on everybody.”

“It was an amazing presentation. Thank you for being so open and honest.”

Monmouth University, June, 2015

“Genuine and authentic care about topic being presented. Thank you for being you.”

“Very enjoyable, resourceful and great learning.”

“Thank you so much for being open to sharing your experiences and passion for this.”

“It was very informative, fun and overall great experience. I am so grateful I had this opportunity.”

“The best part was hearing the stories of Gabrielle which makes the conecpts more applicable.”

“Thank you. I learned a lot and I am very grateful for you opening my eyes even wider.”

“Enlightening and motivational.”

“[Gabrielle] created a supportive and informative atmostphere for us to learn and share.”

Nazareth College, April, 2015

“Thank you so much. You’re story is amazing and I learned so much!”

“Thank you for coming and being a wonderful presenter!”

“[Gabrielle has the] ability to connect and put a face to what she was discussing.”

“[Gabrielle] had such passion [in her] presentation. There was so much depth to the information she shared.”

“[Gabrielle] was very personable and open to sharing her own background. I really learned a lot and feel this training has made a big difference for me.”

“[Gabrielle has an] authentic voice and shared her views. I wish there had been more time.”

Henrietta Public Library, April, 2015

“Gabrielle was very approachable. I wish we had more time.”

“[Gabrielle’s] personal story was very powerful. Thank you so much for doing this important work!”

“[Gabrielle was] so open. [The presentation was] so, so eye-opening! Thank you!”

“[Gabrielle’s] personal story made it easier to connect to.”

“The presentation was excellent!”

“[Gabrielle was] so open and willing to share.”

“It was a very comfortable and candid presentation.”

“[Gabrielle’s] personal sharing was moving and the amount of knowledge was great!”

“It was funny. :)”

“I loved Gabrielle’s slant on personal empowerment!”

Eastman School of Music, March, 2015

“[Gabrielle] was very open with her own experiences and did not attempt to control or predict the actions or experiences of attendees.”

“During the AMA (ask me anything) some of the audience asked questions about issues in their own lives and Gabrielle offered amazing life advice for them.”

“It was very inspiring to hear Gabrielle’s personal story. She has such passion, charisma and is so knowledgeable!”

“Gabrielle’s personal story is amazing and incredibly moving. I’m so thankful I was able to hear her speak!”

“Gabrielle has such a contagious personality and her story is so honest – never staged.”

“Gabrielle had a sense of humor that helped put the audience at ease. She even greeted people personally as they entered before the presentation.”

Brighton Public Library, February, 2015

“[Gabrielle was] knowledgable [and offered] quality content.”

“Great job!! Thank you!”

“[The presentation was] interactive, [with] great use of humor, laid-back.”

“[The presentation was] interactive and intellectual.”

“Personal stories from Gabrielle were helpful in illustrating the stages of coming out.”

“Examples were great and presented in a clear and understandable way.”

“[Gabrielle was] so open. Thank you! I wish there was more time!”

Irondequoit UCC, December, 2014

“[Gabrielle] is very welcoming and thorough.”

“Gabrielle offered an open, honest presentation.”

“[I learned about the] self-sacrifice of Gabrielle, her concern for how others feel, not wanting them to feel uncomfortable. So gracious!”

“Genuine sharing of personal feelings and experiences.”

Eastman School of Music, December, 2014

“Thank you for the info and good conversation!”

“The gender dysphoria and trans issues discussions were especially useful.”

“You are so lovely and so patient and informative. Thank you!!”

“I learned more about what it’s like to be a transgender person and since I have no experience in that area, knowing more about that experience is very important to me. I feel like I will do better interacting with all kinds of people.”

“It was great! You are awesome!”

“I feel so fortunate to have attended this!”

“Great enthusiasm and knowledgable effort.”

“It was humorous, relatable and informational. Thank you!”

“Fantastic presentation!”

Irondequoit High School, November, 2014

“Loved the presentation.”

“I love Gabrielle!!”

“I thought it was great.”

“Great job!”

“Thank you!”

“Thank you for coming!! :)”

Le Moyne College, November, 2014

“Gabrielle expressed the information logically and comfortably. The presentation was really awesome!”

“I liked how Gabrielle shared her personal stories. I learned so much. I’m so glad I came. :)”

“I liked the way it was presented in a safe and accepting tone. It was awesome!”

“Everything was super organized and well thought out. I gained a lot from this presentation. Thank you for being brave and helping to educate others on this very complex topic. As a nurse, it’s very helpful to have this knowledge!”

“It was very informational. [Gabrielle was a] very kind speaker.”

“I loved Gabrielle’s personal story, humor and audience inclusion.”

“[Gabrielle was] charismatic.”

“[Gabrielle was an] energetic presenter.”

“She was wonderful!”

“She was funny, engaging and energetic. It made the topic that much more interesting. I wish there was more time.”

“Gabrielle was so great!”

“I liked the relatable stories and connections.”

“I loved it!”

“The interaction with the audience was great, the terminology was really great. I learned a lot. I really feel more equipped to talk to people about these topics.”

Bryant & Stratton College, Henrietta, November, 2014

“It was an awesome presentation and very informational.”

“I wish there was more time.”

“The presentation was very relatable.”

“[Gabrielle was] detailed, descriptive and straight to the point.”

“Everything was good.”

“It was fun, exciting and very informative.”

“It was heart wrenching to think about what you go through on a daily basis just to be who you are. I look up to you for your strength.”

“Gabrielle made me feel comfortable by educating me on being human, feeling and just understanding. Thank you.”

Dept. of Veteran Affairs, Bath, NY, October, 2014

“Gabrielle was a good communicator who effectively answered questions. The presentation was excellent!”

“[Gabrielle was a] good communicator and passionate.”

“Gabrielle was very open. I wish there was more time. Please come back.”

“It was an open, honest presentation.”

“Gabrielle connected with the audience and did a fabulous job. I hope to participate in another training with her.”

“Gabrielle was very informative, an open book.”

“I am impressed and moved by Gabrielle’s willingness to share her experiences.”

“[Gabrielle was] very personable, used humor and was open.”

“Thank you for your bravery and humor!”

Center for Dispute Settlement, September, 2014

“Excellent presentation.”

“[I liked] the use of everyday examples everyone could relate to.”

“[Gabrielle had] the ability to get the audience comfortable with the topic. I wish there was more time!”

“[Gabrielle was] real and engaging.”

Nazareth College, September, 2014

“Gabrielle showed a lot of her heart and empowerment. It was very powerful and gave me a new sense.”

“It seems you (Gabrielle) have found your ‘light’ in this world. Keep doing what you’re doing. You have shined your light on me today! Keep shining your light on others.”

“If felt like you knew Gabrielle as a friend. She was very open.”

“Gabrielle is a great public speaker who made everyone feel comfortable and open to questions & answers. I wish there was more time to talk.”

“I love how Gabrielle talked about her story and her struggles w/ being a transgender woman.”

“It was wonderful!! So informative.”

“I think she was a very influential speaker and it was very eye opening.”

“Gabrielle made it very comfortable environment for the rest of us. Very useful and knowledgable presentation.”

“It was a great presentation.”

“Gabrielle went into detail about all questions asked.”

“Thank you for telling people your story.”

“Gabrielle used a lot of personal examples. It was great!”

“Thank you for sharing your experiences. You were great! :)”

“Gabrielle was knowledgable, experienced and passionate.”

“I’m really loved Gabrielle coming to our class and I am glad and happy to meet Gabrielle. I really loved her sharing her story with us.”

“Thank you for coming! I enjoyed having you here!”

“I think it was an excellent presentation.”

“Hearing in detail the story of Gabrielle really opened my mind. The presentation was great! The only thing that would have made it better was more time.”

“It’s awesome that you have done this. It really does make a difference.”


More to come…